To efficiently reach more health providers, 50,000 Happy Birthdays used a cascade approach to deliver training. The cascade of multiple simultaneous trainings were implemented in a total of 872 rural and urban sites.
Details of training episodes in Ethiopia
Module | MTF | MT | CH |
BAB-C | 24 | 278 | 2,669 |
PEE | 24 | 295 | 2,648 |
HBB | 22 | 287 | 2,732 |
ECEB | 23 | 172 | 1,635 |
ECSB | 23 | 172 | 1,635 |
Total | 117 | 1,204 | 11,319 |
Details of training episodes in Rwanda
Module | MTF | MT | CH |
BAB-C | 16 | 333 | 2,111 |
PEE | 18 | 328 | 1,842 |
HBB | 16 | 506 | 1,699 |
ECEB | 16 | 538 | 2,056 |
ECSB | 16 | 482 | 1,661 |
Total | 82 | 2,187 | 9,369 |
Details of training episodes in Tanzania
Module | MTF | MT | CH |
BAB-C | 34 | 176 | 1,078 |
PEE | 34 | 176 | 808 |
HBB | 26 | 66 | 715 |
ECEB | 26 | 65 | 472 |
ECSB | 26 | 65 | 479 |
Total | 146 | 548 | 3,552 |

“(Before) trainings were structured in a way that only some staff in charge would attend training in the hotels. They would get certificates, but in the end, no one would get to know what those in charge have been trained in. But the cascade approach, it gets to everyone”.
Midwife trained during the project
Reach of the cascade HMS and HBS trainings

343 National Master Trainer Facilitators (MTF) were trained with the support of HMS and HBS international experts

3,896 Master Trainers were trained at a provincial level by MTFs

+20,000 champions: Health providers and students that received training in at least one module
Champions with good communication skills then became Peer Practice Coordinators . They motivated and mentored others attending the Low Dose, High Frequency practice sessions.

Champions demonstrated their improved competence and confidence to their peers. This influenced many more health providers
Many more beyond those trained in the project also adopted the evidence-based skills and respectful care practices taught in the HMS and HBS modules.

“The project has helped me a lot in my daily duty”
“I strongly remember a day when the training helped me save lives. While I was a mentor at Kiziguro district, I was able to identify signs of severe pre-eclampsia in two mothers. They had been in the hospital over 12 hours without being managed. I suggested to provide magnesium sulphate and anti-hypertensive medication, but the doctors were hesitant —this was not their usual practice and they feared harming the mothers or the babies. But I know what the safe dose is! We provided the medication and both mothers delivered soon after that. We saved two mothers and two babies that day.”
Seraphine, midwife at CHUK in Kigali, Rwanda.
Implementation sites
The project was implemented in various regions in Ethiopia, Rwanda and Tanzania, pinned in the map below.